Students Shine Bright at Spring Play

Hats off to Live Oak’s Middle School students who delivered an outstanding series of performances in their spring musical, Out of This World!
The dedication and preparation of the cast and crew paid off with five soldout shows between March 17-19.
Out of this World was a sci-fi fairy tale written by Stephanie Temple that followed brainiac and social outcast Goldi in her quest to find a new intergalactic world where she belongs, while teaming with aliens to broker peace on the planet Tempratura. 

“‘Play’ sounds fun, right? Well, it is!" said Drama Teacher Stephanie Temple. "But putting on a play is also hard work. Students began with auditions in December and weekly rehearsals in January. In addition to learning lines and choreography, students also created group skits that were used to add characters to our story. Those who were crafty built costume pieces such as giant eyeball hats and spaceships. Tech week involved late nights at school slowly adding all the elements together. And when the audience arrived...ta-da! It's a play! But behind the fun dreamworld of wacky characters is months of dedication and hard work. Kudos to all involved. This production was truly Out of This World!”


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