

在Live Oak,我們根據兩個核心要素構建我們的課程:基本問題和貫穿線。基本問題將我們的學術探索錨定在學生努力探索的總體概念上。通過深入研究逐年的發展,我們的全校課程通過精心設計的貫穿線提供從幼稚園到八年級畢業的有凝聚力的學習體驗。



  • 語言藝術



    In the alphabet unit, kindergartners explore the question how do letters make sounds and words? Students are guided in their expanding awareness that words and letters are everywhere and they are encouraged to seek them out and make observations. To work towards an understanding of this question, students experience each letter of the alphabet through multiple modalities and learn changemaker vocabulary. As a culminating assessment, students complete an alphabet dictionary and contribute daily to an alphabet bulletin board.


    It is a long standing Live Oak tradition that the first graders bring a schoolwide post office to life in the final unit of the year. Their guiding questions are: 如何使用寫作進行交流?作為一名作家,我該如何變得更好? 在本單元中,學生將學習識別信件的五個部分(標題,問候語,正文,結束語和簽名)以及人們寫的信件類型。學生給學校社區的成員寫一封友好的信,併為祖父母和特殊朋友日的人寫一封邀請信。學生還學習識別說服策略(邏輯,妥協,最後通牒)。社區中的每個人都參與其中,信件被發送給成人和學生。當收到信件時,會有微笑和興奮的回信。對於沒有接觸過實際寫信的孩子來說,這是一種獨特的經歷,對整個社區都有好處。


    Second graders delve deep into reading and writing nonfiction. They work towards understanding how to read across a variety of nonfiction texts to learn about a topic and that nonfiction text includes features such as images, captions, diagrams, and glossaries that deepen their knowledge. In writing some of the learning goals include collecting information about a topic of their choice using a variety of sources such as books, expert interviews, photographs, observation, video, and internet, and categorizing their research to determine what is important and what is not. They write books about a topic of interest and create lab reports from the experiments they conduct in science.




    在四年級,學生在學習撰寫論文的基礎知識時,會進行有說服力和觀點的寫作。他們認為: 一篇文章如何幫助我們論證自己的觀點?我們如何說服別人關注重要的問題? 這些單元的目標包括創建論文陳述,使用理由和證據來支持他們的觀點,起草一篇有觀點的文章,並學習修改一篇文章以獲得清晰度和深度。學生參與寫作過程的所有步驟,以產生最終草稿,以顯示他們的努力,毅力以及獨特的想法和意見。








  • 數學



    In kindergarten, student study patterns and attributes as they explore questions that help them learn. Their questions include: How do I create, recognize, and extend patterns? Where do I see patterns in the world? What is an attribute? Using the NTCM standards, students sort, classify, identify and extend patterns throughout the unit. To make these ideas concrete and to incorporate play, patterns and attributes are investigated through dress up, thematic activities, books, and their own personal experiences.
















    Eighth graders study exponential functions in the second trimester. Some of the questions that students pursue are: What rules can we use to simplify exponential expressions? How can we utilize these in our work with numbers in scientific notation? How can we make sense of large and small numbers by breaking them down into manageable quantities? During the unit students compare exponential and linear growth models, work with numbers in scientific notation, and apply exponential functions to real-life data such as the Richter scale and population growth. Assessments include quizzes, a unit test, and a problem of the week project focused on large and small numbers.
  • 社會科學



    在幼稚園,變革者被定義、探索和考慮。本單元中提出的一些問題是, 變革者做什麼?我怎樣才能成為變革者? 學生們瞭解到,有多種方法可以讓世界變得更美好。在整個單元中,學生們參加了各種變革活動,例如在社區周圍製作標誌,進行自己的和平抗議,以及為SPCA製作狗玩具。










    在五年級,學生通過故事的鏡頭學習《大遷徙》。靈感來自伊莎貝爾·威爾克森的 其他太陽的溫暖,五年級學生探索我們的移民講述了什麼故事,移民如何塑造我們的故事,以及故事如何承載我們的過去,我們的現在,以及我們對更美好未來的希望。他們閱讀民間故事,非虛構文本,並分析雅各勞倫斯藝術作品中圖像和比喻語言的使用。最終評估包括學生收集口頭故事,記錄它們,並使用Scratch創建故事的動畫版本。






    In the final unit of eighth grade humanities, students study intersectionality and voting. One of the understanding goals for the unit is that we must know what intersectionality means in order to understand and address inequities, and that we need to understand how different aspects of identity for marginalized groups compound and create a unique form of oppression. Students learn about the fight for and eventual ratification of the 19th Amendment and that the success of a democracy is dependent upon its definition of citizenship and how opportunities to participate in civic life are granted, protected, and chosen. 
  • 科學







    在二年級,學生深入研究植物和動物的適應性。通過系統,結構和功能的鏡頭,該課程瞭解植物和動物需要什麼來生長和生存,以及特徵如何區分一個物種與另一個物種。學生探索模式,設計思維 - 包括原型設計 - 科學詞彙,數據分析和觀察。該單元以最終觀察,草圖和變革者實驗室的鳥舍設計項目達到高潮。


    In the middle of third grade, the class embarks on a study of geology. This unit is well known in our school because the culminating project is a musical called "Geology Rocks!" During their studies, students gain experience with rocks and minerals. They use measuring tools to gather data about rocks as they hypothesize how to use geology to help others. Once they have collected data, they observe, describe, and record the properties of minerals ad organize them on the basis of the property of hardness. Students also travel to Devil's Slide to observe and learn about geology in action.


    Fourth graders end the year with a study of generators, asking key questions including, How can we design systems for more sustainable energy solutions? Students use the design thinking cycle to apply scientific ideas to solve the problems of "burnable" energy sources. They learn collectively through failure that problem solvers work constantly to improve their designs. At the end of the unit, fourth graders reflect on their "aha" moments and offer advice for future design thinkers.


    In the second trimester of fifth grade, students study vision and perception and learn how systems of the eye work and how that system connects to the world as a whole. Some of the questions they consider are: What is vision? What is perception? Working together on experiments, students test vision and recreate optical illusions. The culminating project is building pinhole cameras in the Changemaker Lab and testing their cameras on the roof to see what did and didn't work in their design process.


    In sixth grade, students learn about plants, photosynthesis, and cycles of matter. Asking questions about the role that plants play in their lives, they learn about the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Students are guided to understand the structures of plants that support life on Earth and the role they play in the cycles of matter. Through research and Cornell notes, they learn the role of plants in the creation of our atmosphere, the process of transpiration, photosynthesis, and the carbon and nitrogen cycles. The final assessment is a detailed, illustrated, and creative depiction of the cycles of matter.




  • 社交情感學習



    In the "All About Me" unit, students explore how they are growing and changing and how a variety of experiences help them understand their similarities and differences with other people. Through stories, play, discussions, and activities, students learn about the things that connect us and the things that makes unique. For the culminating performance of understanding, students create a poster that illustrates (through art and writing) various aspects of self and family.


    First graders being the year by studying friendship and community. They consider what it means to be a good friend and community member and how they fill other people's "buckets". Students strive to understand why we need to be considerate of each other in order to function as a group and that when a conflict arises there are steps we can take to solve it. They also gain perspective on how we become friends with people because we share something in common (interests, goals, dreams) and we enjoy their company. The culminating project is a mural depicting their understanding of friendship.




    在三年級,四年級和五年級,學生開始與 卡塞爾車輪 on the five competencies that make up the wheel: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making. Woven throughout the day and throughout the curriculum, students focus on learning to put these competencies into action. This is a framework for approaching social emotional learning that enables students to cultivate skills and environments that advance their learning and development. 


    In Middle School, all students have an advisory that meets twice a week and uses the Responsive Classroom Advisory format. The purpose of advisory is to give students a "home base" and a touch point during their busy days. The leader of the advisory maintains a close relationship with their advisees and works with their parents when needed. In a group of 12-14 students, advisory is a place to build relationships and work on social emotional topics. The CASEL framework is used in advisory through activities and discussions such as Open Session which is a structured and safe way for students to bring concerns, events in their lives, and other issues they may be struggling with to a wider audience. It is anonymous and allows for other students to offer advice, connections, and support. Other goals of advisory are to support student-to-student affiliations, academic readiness, and strengthening the relationship of the advisor and the advisees.
  • 藝術



    在所有年級,Live Oak的藝術課程鼓勵和激勵學生使用和展示他們的創造力。練習的技能包括繪畫,著色,使用板坯技術創建粘土片,以及在製作反映身份和自我意識的作品時學習視覺和感覺之間的區別。學生還可以加強他們的協作技能,並在藝術框架內與同齡人一起工作, 培養責任感。鼓勵他們不斷探索和建立毅力,這種毅力伴隨著拓寬他們的藝術技能和意識。


    In addition to making art, Live Oak’s program is concentrated on developing an appreciation and understanding of art across the globe, now and throughout history. The focus during these years is to understand how art and courage are linked, how to create a sense of movement in their work, and that art is a necessary and elemental modality for self-expression and for capturing the character of a given society. Through artist studies such as Marisol, Betye and Allison Saar, Kara Walker, and Etel Adnan students explore technique and inspiration. Engaging units like Afrofuturism and Street Art challenge to students to ask questions about and consider the role of art in a variety of contexts.
  • 戲劇



    Middle schoolers take drama through their three years. From drama enthusiasts, to intrepid beginners, all students support each other in taking chances and literally trying on new personas. From improv to marketing a play to applying make-up, students learn about and participate in all aspects of theatre, plays, and musicals. Students also have the option to participate in the school plays which take place twice a year. From tech to performing, students can find ways to be a part of the productions that are comfortable to them.
  • 音樂



    In music, students learn that music tells a story. Students are given opportunities for self-expression throughout their musical education at Live Oak. Teachers strive to give students a joyful introduction to singing, instruments, and musical collaboration. Beats, patterns, and the roots of many genres are explored. Students also learn the basics of music notation.


    As students progress in their musical familiarity and skill, they delve into different kinds of music, different stories music tells, and the idea that music provides all of us with a chance to see ourselves and others in such a diverse discipline. Both the 低年級 and the 中學 perform in festivals in the spring.
  • 西班牙文



    Students begin Spanish in the fourth grade. Introducing students through music, art, and physical movement allows them to enter into a new language with excitement and engagement.


  • 體育





    Students are allowed more and more autonomy as they grow and mature. Our PE teachers emphasize relationship building and students develop close connections to them throughout their nine years at Live Oak.
  • 設計與創新



    Kindergarten is all about playfully exploring the world! Design projects include cardboard frames, block printing, stop motion animation, and building. Each project builds on skills and incorporates new tools. During the water unit, students make wooden boats in the ChangeMaker Lab and test them out at McLaren Park. To make their flotilla, they learned about using drills and wood glue as part of their design process.


    In first grade, design and innovation projects include building structures, block printing, designing and building tools to use in the Learning Garden, and light and sound explorations. Using recycled and found materials, first graders design and build their own musical instrument. They think about how sound is transmitted, the qualities of melody, and the nature of waves and vibrations.


    在 ChangeMaker 實驗室中創建的一些首批專案允許學生調查和反思自己的身份。二年級學生創建身份冠冕,以直觀地描繪他們作為人和學習者的身份的各個方面,而這些方面並不那麼明顯。學生們使用管道清潔劑,織物,記號筆,紙板和毛氈來創建符號來裝飾他們的皇冠。一旦他們的皇冠完成,他們就會分享他們的靈感和符號所代表的東西。


    三年級學生探索工程和設計週期,特別是他們如何使用設計來支援使用者挑戰的解決方案。在年底,他們解決了鯊魚坦克(Shark Tank)啟發的挑戰,他們創建了一個原型設計,以解決他們面臨的挑戰,然後向他們的同學推銷解決這個問題的有效性。








    The Mathematician Project is a cross-curricular project where students spend time in both humanities and math researching mathematicians such as Srinivasa Ramanujan, Cathleen Morawetz, Gottfried Leibniz, and Maryam Mirzakhani. This year’s iteration of the project involved time in the ChangeMaker Lab, where they created three-dimensional representations of their mathematician relating to their inventions, creations, beliefs, and lives.




Live Oak學校歡迎並接納任何種族,膚色,國籍和民族血統,公民身份,性別認同,性別表達,性取向和信仰的學生,以享受Live Oak學校的所有權利,特權,計劃和活動。Live Oak學校不會因種族,膚色,國籍和民族血統,公民身份,性別認同,性別表達,性取向以及對其教育政策和計劃,招生政策,調整后的學費計劃以及體育和其他學校管理的計劃管理的信仰而歧視。