

Live Oak 學生是終身學習者,他們只喜歡挑戰。他們以教育為基礎,在廣泛的學科中追求激情。

Live Oak畢業生能夠承擔起幫助創建公正社會的責任。他們成為有能力迎接他們這一代人的挑戰和機遇的領導者。


The Live Oak Alumni Changemaker Award is given yearly to an alum who models empathy and responsibility, demonstrates the capacity to create change in the community, and inspires action in others. In 2022, we honored our first Young Alumni Changemaker–a junior or senior in high school–recognizing that Live Oak students do not wait to make an impact in their communities. Most recently, we honored a pair of Young Alumni Changemakers from the Class of 2021: Justin Babler-Kuebler and Nala Urrutia. 

2023 Alumni Changemaker

Brendan O’Callaghan ‘02 is the 2023 Alumni Changemaker Award for his outstanding work in public affairs and politics. Currently, Brendan is the Vice President for Marketing, Communications, and External Affairs at Calbright College, California's first and only fully online community college.

With a focus on competency-based workforce training programs for adult learners, Calbright aims to build a more equitable economy for underserved communities across the state. “Higher education struggles to support working-age adults, especially those from already underserved communities. The challenge of building a new kind of public community college from the ground up, to support Californians is exciting,” shares Brendan of this role and Calbright’s mission. 

Brendan's passion for public affairs and politics has always been driven by his dedication to social justice and community development. He is a tireless advocate for historically marginalized communities and has used his platform to raise awareness about issues such as income inequality, access to healthcare, and systemic racism. His work has inspired others to take action and build a more just and equitable society.

2025 Young Alumni Changemakers

Justin Babler-Kuebler '21

Justin has participated in student government for his four years at Drew and has created a pipeline of future student leaders whom he mentors. In his role as Student Body Vice President, he has created seminars on independent problem solving, conflict management, prioritizing, and public speaking. Additionally, he works on The 415, a school-wide music and food festival that hosts 500+ attendees. 

As manager of the Student Cafe, he donates the profits back to the school to subsidize event fees such as prom tickets. As co-founder of Drew’s Geography Club, he works to create intercultural understanding and appreciation among its members. As an Admissions Intern, he works on New Student Night which he transformed into an interactive experience that better aligns with the experiential pedagogy Drew.
Live Oak gave me the empathy and the ability to build relationships with people that is so important to being a leader. The school really taught me what it means to be a good person.

Nala Urrutia '21

Nala was selected to participate in an Ethnic Studies Working Group for her four years at Lick. Nala and her team’s goal has been to make Ethnic Studies a graduation requirement for all students at Lick. She advocated for the importance of Ethnic Studies to the school community, helped craft the curriculum for the pilot class, hosted forums for students to give input, refurbished the working group mission statement, and nominated students to lead when the seniors graduate. Additionally, she co-led a community meeting about Indigenous Art which included inviting an artist to speak about her art, her indigeneity, and how to use one’s voice for others. The Ethnic Studies course will launch in Fall 2025.
Live Oak implementing that idea that you can be a changemaker every day really helped me find my passion. I've been able to create small changes within my social group and school community. 

Meet All of Our Alumni Changemakers


雖然我們的校友可能不再走在Live Oak的大廳里(儘管有些人仍然這樣做!),但這並不意味著我們想說再見。我們為與學生建立有意義的聯繫而感到自豪,這些關係並不是以畢業結束的關係。

校友參與Live Oak的生活增強了我們的力量。我們喜歡知道你在做什麼,慶祝你的成功,並提供支持來實現你的目標。每年,我們都會舉辦同學聚會,讓您在為高中畢業後的生活做準備時與社區重新建立聯繫。我們鼓勵所有校友回來參觀或志願服務Live Oak。隨著校友社區的發展和日益活躍,我們期待舉辦區域聚會,並依靠校友領導來創造更多的參與機會。 

進步辦公室成立了一個 關於LinkedIn(Live Oak School)的小組;我們鼓勵所有Live Oak校友,教職員工和家長參加。LinkedIn是您與同學和老師聯繫和重新聯繫的好方法,同時擴展您的專業網路。

此外,如果您想瞭解Live Oak每周的最新動向,請在Facebook和Instagram上關注我們以獲取更新,照片和視頻。

您也可以通過填寫此 新聞和聯繫資訊表來幫助我們跟上您的步伐。



Live Oak學校歡迎並接納任何種族,膚色,國籍和民族血統,公民身份,性別認同,性別表達,性取向和信仰的學生,以享受Live Oak學校的所有權利,特權,計劃和活動。Live Oak學校不會因種族,膚色,國籍和民族血統,公民身份,性別認同,性別表達,性取向以及對其教育政策和計劃,招生政策,調整后的學費計劃以及體育和其他學校管理的計劃管理的信仰而歧視。