Lower School Music Festival–February 6 & 7

Lower school musicians are hard at work perfecting their xylophone parts and memorizing their lyrics for the Lower School Music Festival. Join us in the Grand Hall for the kindergarten through second grade show from 8:35am to 10am on Thursday, February 6, followed by the third and fourth grade performance on Friday, February 7 at the same time. Both events will be livestreamed, so keep an eye out for a link to view that video if you can’t make it in person. This year’s theme is “Water” and will feature aquatic tunes ranging from traditional folk numbers to classic rock favorites.


Live Oak學校歡迎並接納任何種族,膚色,國籍和民族血統,公民身份,性別認同,性別表達,性取向和信仰的學生,以享受Live Oak學校的所有權利,特權,計劃和活動。Live Oak學校不會因種族,膚色,國籍和民族血統,公民身份,性別認同,性別表達,性取向以及對其教育政策和計劃,招生政策,調整后的學費計劃以及體育和其他學校管理的計劃管理的信仰而歧視。