By: Jill Pierce and Michael Martinez, Lower School Music Teachers
“We are the same. There is no difference anywhere in the world. People are people. They laugh, cry, feel, and love, and music seems to be the common denomination that brings us all together. Music cuts through all boundaries and goes right to the soul.” - Willie Nelson. Kindergartners through fourth graders have been getting ready to share songs with parents and families at our lower school music concerts!
We’ve been practicing standing tall on the risers, singing out so the audience can hear, and working together. One important aspect of music that this Willie Nelson quote reminds me of is that while looking and sounding good is important, what’s even more important is how we use music to connect to one another–how music makes us feel.
One of our throughlines in lower school music is “Music and Community”. Students in lower school music consistently practice listening to one another, supporting each other, and working out differences of opinions, all while making music together. They show flexibility and understanding when someone is called to play a solo part, they advocate for themselves and others, and they create something together! Michael and I have been impressed with the thoughtfulness of student comments when we finish playing or singing through a song. These kids have so many good ideas!
We hope that you’re able to come to the concerts in person or watch the recording of them. We hope that you see all of the effort that our students have put into learning and performing these songs for you and, most of all, we hope you feel moved by the music, and connected to our school community.
Lower School Music Festival
Grades K-2 concert: Thursday, February 6 from 8:40-10am (at the latest)
Grades 3-4 concert: Friday, February 7 from 8:40-9:45am.
Our theme for both concerts is WATER. Dress for all students is BLUE, GREEN, PURPLE, SILVER, anything WATER-LIKE. We hope you can join us. We’re all excited to share our music with you. If you can’t make it in person, the concert will be livestreamed and recorded. Any questions? Please reach out to Jill:
Live Oak學校歡迎並接納任何種族,膚色,國籍和民族血統,公民身份,性別認同,性別表達,性取向和信仰的學生,以享受Live Oak學校的所有權利,特權,計劃和活動。Live Oak學校不會因種族,膚色,國籍和民族血統,公民身份,性別認同,性別表達,性取向以及對其教育政策和計劃,招生政策,調整后的學費計劃以及體育和其他學校管理的計劃管理的信仰而歧視。